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Calgary Parrot Head Club News

(This news page mostly contains excepts from general news Emails sent/posted to club members)

Fun and Successful Christmas Fundraising Party 2023

Another great Christmas “Party with a Purpose” was held on November 27 at Kilkenny’s Irish Pub (in Brentwood) to raise money for Wellspring Cancer Support. After all of the bidding, laughing, dancing and good ol’ partying, we raised $4030 which was doubled by an anonymous donor to end up supporting this charity with $8060.00! What a great time and supportive group of people we are! Thank you for coming out and doing what our club is all about…Helping out the community!!!

The Untimely Passage of Jimmy

( From Jeff A., CPHC Prez: )

On Saturday September 2, 2023, we all woke up to the news that Jimmy Buffett had passed away. We all knew that Jimmy had health issues, but while the lack of public information may have indicated that these issues were serious, I know that I always maintained a hope that any day Jimmy would announce concerts for this fall or next spring. This hope is what made his passing a shock for me and meant that Saturday was a day to process the memories, the songs, and the happiness Jimmy brought, and also the grief of knowing he was gone.

There have been lots of posts on social media from many people all over the world  recalling songs and quotes from songs that impacted their lives. These tributes show how Jimmy's music,not only inspired and brought joy to them, but also comforted people during difficult times.

His official obituary can be found here.

While we all have our favourite songs and lines, I think these lines from "Here We Are" are particularly meaningful as we look ahead after 27 years a a club. Even Jimmy was surprised at how long he could do what he loved.

Who would have thought this game, this flame would still be burning
Who would have guessed that all these blenders would still be churning
Not even we on our bended knees could have ever blessed it
Not even I with my head in the sky would have ever guessed it

Here we are, maybe it's because in spite of all the work we do
It's the child in us we really value
Here we are, with our fins up and our feathers flashing
Here we are, with our coconut shell brassieres chanting

Here we are
Here we are

Calgary Parrot Heads Go Golfing
and Raise $$$ for School Lunches

Photo Album via Fotki: Overview and Slideshow

Cheque Presentation from Spring Phling Fundraising
for Calgary Center for Suicide Prevention:

On June 26, members of the CPHC Board presented a check for $5,060.00 to staff at the Calgary Centre for Suicide Prevention. The money was raised at this years' Spring Phling and is the largest total ever raised at this event. Receiving the check on behalf of Suicide Prevention were Freshia Corpus-Savinel, Greg Axani, Seth McVeity and Hilary Sirman.

Thank you again to all Spring Phling attendees and sponsors for contributing to such a worthwhile cause. Fins Up!


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Virgin's Look at Jimmy's Concert

It was great to get away for a few days in the wonderfiul warmth of Phoenix Arizona to experience my very first Jimmy Buffett Concert. We’re a group of 10 Calgarians. The day of the concert most of us headed over to Margaritaville for the pre-show fun. We headed over to the tailgating party about 3 hours prior to the concert, beginning the experience I will never forget! RV’s lined up in the parking lot. Tiki bars with margarita machines running and open for anyone to reload along their walk, no one enforcing any restrictions, certainly a lot of fun!

Our concert tickets were grass seating which was another first experience. One huge party on a grassy hill! I was very impressed at how great Jimmy sounded in such an open area! Even more impressed that Jimmy played my favourite song (Bama Breeze). I arrived at the concert hoping that I would know more than just a handful of songs, as I am fairly new to being a Parrot Head. I was pleasantly surprised that I knew all except two or three songs that were played that night! It was most enjoyable to experience Jimmy with great friends! Phins up!

- Raina



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Calgary Parrotheads: Canada's oldest parrot head club (Chartered 1996)
This Page Last Updated: 19-Feb-2025

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